Monday, July 19, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Criminal Minds - OBSESSED

It's that time of year again folks! I have successfully found my new obsession. Usually I'm not the type of person to watch law, or doctor shows, but CRIMINAL MINDS is enjoyable, thrilling, and involves a certain amount of intellect. The thing that makes Criminal Minds a unique show of it's own is how as an audience we see the team analyze the minds of the criminals, hence "criminal minds." The title however is referring to BAU (Behavioral analysis unit) team members, not the actual criminals themselves. Like the commercial says "To catch a criminal, you need a criminal mind." SO THRILLING!
Another thing that i absolutely love about this show is the unique and distinguished group of characters. Through the seasons, we see why each character decided to jo

in the FBI. Before I started watching this show, you could say I was pessimistic towards mankind, which I still am, but less so now. I would just think of the evilest people that have walked this planet. Criminal Minds taught me that, yes there is evil, but on the other side there is an unimaginable amount of good.

The characters on this show are our heroes. Who needs superman when you have theseguys, right? Personally, my favorite character is Dr. Spencer Reid the resident genius. I'm pretty sure I don't need to explain why I love him, I mean it's pretty obvious just take a look at his face and you'll see why my friends and I are dying to watch 500 Days of Summer. (and yes I can't believe I didn't watch it yet).
So, in conclusion Criminal Minds is an AWESOME SHOW with AWESOME CHARACTERS.
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Wow, I have A LOT of obsessions. Eh, I guess it's just my personality. So anyway, my latest obsession is...HEROES. Yep Heroes; the Sci-Fi drama show on people with "special" abilities. Some people use their powers for good, some people try to help people, and others telepathically murder "special" people to steal their powers. *cough*cough* SYLAR. Yeah so, Sylar is one of the villains on the show. Zachary Quinto does a fantastic superb job of playing Sylar. Sylar is just so... deliciously evil. haha. Greg Grunberg plays a mind reading cop, "Matt Parkman." Masi Oka plays the loveable character "Hiro Nakamora." Masi Oka is just so friendly and you just CAN'T not love him. Ali Larter plays...well-right now she's Tracy Struass; a woman made out of water that can freeze things, but in season 1 &2 she played Nikki Sanders who- well i'm not to sure what her power was. Hayden Panettiere plays an indistructable cheerleader. Whoopie. A

Go Here:
-thanks for reading.
Labels: heroes zachary quinto hayden panettiere milo masi oka tim kring sci-fi fiction show sylar
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Star trek - OBSESSED

Writing calms me, and yes my NEW obsession is in fact Star Trek, and yes i know I'm a nerd. So I've watched the new-ish Star Trek movie two times in the summer. The second time I watched it, was in I MAX, while I was on vacation. Anyway, enough about me. Star Trek the original series lasted about 3 seasons before it got canceled due to not enough people watching (sad). I've only watched a few episodes, and they aren't that bad, except the picture quality. So... about 40 years later, Star Trek the movie came out!! JJ Abram (the director) brought the motion picture to life. Great job. For me, the reason I was more fascinated with Star Trek, and eventually got hooked, was Spock. Well it was how Zachary Quinto portrayed Spock. He did an amazing job, like a really really amazing job. Leonard Nimoy (original Spock) is also in the movie!! How cool! OH and another thing, did you know on set, Leonard and Zachary became really good friends. Spock... meet Spock. Chris Pine plays James T. Kirk. Pine gave the character Kirk, more rebellious and a clumsy look. I'm really trying to find the word to describe the new Kirk... but i can't. Zoё (pronounced Zoey) Saldana plays Lieutenant Uhura.. with a nice new hair

The original Star Trek series never really told us how the enterprise crew came together. But now.. this movie did! Spoilers ahead! So the story line is really confusing, it makes more sense if you actually watch it. So this movie is set in an alternate dimension, created by a black hole. in this dimension, Kirk's dad dies in the first 10 minutes of the movie... then you see Kirk as a kid, breaking the rules. Then you see Spock as a vulcan kid, being bullied by other Vulcan kids, because of his mother being human. Well just for the record, if Spock is half human and half Vulcan, wouldn't his ears be smaller than the rest of the Vulcans? Then it shows us Kirk and Spock all grown up and joining starfleet. Things got to a rough start when Spock accused Kirk of cheating on some test, and suspended him from coming aboard the enterprise. The real core of this movie is about how Kirk, and Spock don't get along, but by the end of the movie... they are friends. yay! But the rea

Another thing i really liked about this movie was the humor and comedy. I was laughing so hard at some points. Ok so, there was this one scene where Kirk and Dr. McCoy called Spock, "the p

5 smiley faces :) :) :) :) :)
best movie of 2009.
- smerfy
Labels: star trek mr spock uhura captin kirk star trek 2009 movie zachary quinto chris pine lenord neemoy
Thursday, July 30, 2009
One Tree Hill - OBSESSED

Okay, ever since Much music started airing One Tree Hill again... i've been completely obsessed. I mean, i never realized why one tree hill was this popular.. but now i do! The best part is i have about 3 more seasons to watch! The fun never ever ends :)
So... As you may or may not know, here's the situation with the characters. (might get a little confusing.)
Long time ago... Dan Scott dated Karen, and cheated on her with Debra! :o So that resulted in 2 unwanted pregnancy's. Dan had to make a choice between Deb and Karen. (he chose deb to marry)
BAM... 17 years later... Lucas Scott, and Nathan Scott, two half brothers join the basketball team.
Well that was the intro. Lucas' best friend Haley marries Nathan. (shocker there) While Best friends Peyton, and Brooke are in a

(SPOILERS!) Peyton marries Lucas, Haley & Nathan get themselves a kid.
has Michael Murray (Lucas) and Hilary Burton (Peyton) Leave the show after season 6.. (SAD!)
Labels: one tree hill much music chad michael murray hilarie burton sophia bush lucus nathan scott cw
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Twilight - OBSESSED
I watched Twilight a week ago, and I still can't get it out of my head.. seriously I've tried everything to get it out of my head.. see, after a while of thinking to much about twilight, your teachers notice that your thinking about something else...and always ask you the next question -_-
I'm so obsessed with Twilight that I automatically have to say the wor
d Twilight, in my head or out loud, every 20 minutes or i start to freak out.
Even though I haven't even read all the books.. I LOVE IT SO MUCH!. Well to be honest, I haven't even finished the first one! The movie really inspired me to read it, and seriously, the book is so much fun to read, and i know because i hate books and they bore me, but twilight is so good! I strongly suggest you read it. To help with my obsession problem, I listen to the Twilight CD EVERYDAY, AND EVERY NIGHT! I've memorized practically everything on it. My personal favorites are.. Leave out all the Rest- Linkin Park, Spotlight (Twilight remix) - Mute Math, Go all the way (into the Twilight) - Perry Farrell, I caught myself- Paramore... BUT I LOVE ALL OF THEM! LOL. So tell me which ones are your favourite. LOL.
AND OMG.. New Moon, is going to be shot in VANCOUVER!!! VANCOUVER!! Which i great for me. Since I live in Vancouver LOL. Oh and did you know, they are making Edward and Bella Dolls!! I'm guessing that will be quite interesting. I can just imagine all the tweens in Toys R us just fighting over these dolls. HA
OH and if you like Twilight, you'll probably enjoy listening to these:
Oh and check out this:
Thanks for reading! + Comment plz =)
I'm so obsessed with Twilight that I automatically have to say the wor

Even though I haven't even read all the books.. I LOVE IT SO MUCH!. Well to be honest, I haven't even finished the first one! The movie really inspired me to read it, and seriously, the book is so much fun to read, and i know because i hate books and they bore me, but twilight is so good! I strongly suggest you read it. To help with my obsession problem, I listen to the Twilight CD EVERYDAY, AND EVERY NIGHT! I've memorized practically everything on it. My personal favorites are.. Leave out all the Rest- Linkin Park, Spotlight (Twilight remix) - Mute Math, Go all the way (into the Twilight) - Perry Farrell, I caught myself- Paramore... BUT I LOVE ALL OF THEM! LOL. So tell me which ones are your favourite. LOL.
AND OMG.. New Moon, is going to be shot in VANCOUVER!!! VANCOUVER!! Which i great for me. Since I live in Vancouver LOL. Oh and did you know, they are making Edward and Bella Dolls!! I'm guessing that will be quite interesting. I can just imagine all the tweens in Toys R us just fighting over these dolls. HA
OH and if you like Twilight, you'll probably enjoy listening to these:
Oh and check out this:
Thanks for reading! + Comment plz =)
Labels: Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, New Moon, Twilight