Wow, I have A LOT of obsessions. Eh, I guess it's just my personality. So anyway, my latest obsession is...HEROES. Yep Heroes; the Sci-Fi drama show on people with "special" abilities. Some people use their powers for good, some people try to help people, and others telepathically murder "special" people to steal their powers. *cough*cough* SYLAR. Yeah so, Sylar is one of the villains on the show. Zachary Quinto does a fantastic superb job of playing Sylar. Sylar is just so... deliciously evil. haha. Greg Grunberg plays a mind reading cop, "Matt Parkman." Masi Oka plays the loveable character "Hiro Nakamora." Masi Oka is just so friendly and you just CAN'T not love him. Ali Larter plays...well-right now she's Tracy Struass; a woman made out of water that can freeze things, but in season 1 &2 she played Nikki Sanders who- well i'm not to sure what her power was. Hayden Panettiere plays an indistructable cheerleader. Whoopie. A

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Labels: heroes zachary quinto hayden panettiere milo masi oka tim kring sci-fi fiction show sylar
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